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Historic Presentations

Please Share Something

As a Family or Individually




Share a Song

Have a favorite patriotic song or hymn? Prepare to sing, or play an instrument during the historic presentation time. Please make sure your song is no longer than 3 minutes. Please make sure to specify your preffered time when you signup.




Recite a Poem

Read or recite an excerpt from a poem, historical document, Scripture, or other source. Please make sure the information shared is understandable and encouraging. Please focus on topics such as America's Christian Heritage, our duty as citizens,  the Bible & prayer. Please keep your presentation to 3 minutes or less. 

Dress up in a historical costume, and surprise everyone with a dramatic representation of days past. Some fun ideas would be to recite a speech from a famous historic character, act out a time in America's history, or create your own representation of what America means to you. Please be prepared to perform, and keep your presentation to 3 minutes or less.


Present a Skit


Please Call or Text​

Lauretta Smythe 


Success! You'll recieve an email with your assigned presentation time.

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